Tuesday, January 12, 2010


So, here's my confession. Things at home have been crazy. And when I say crazy, that doesn't mean busy, or funny, or easily solved. I mean crazy as in crazy-making, deep-seeded systemic problems that have probably plagued me my entire life. Isn't that a great thing to "wake up" to?

My theme this year is "action." Like stop talking, and start doing. Stop dreaming, and start moving. Stop wishing, and start acting. You got the picture, right?

But I had to realize that action without refining and redefining my thought processes is nothing but shallow and minor changes that won't ever take lasting root. They won't...and they can't, because there is no value or belief that the changed behavior is rooted in.

For example...I'm going to diet. Okay, so workout more and eat less. But if I don't process why I eat when I eat, and why I hate working out but hold myself to a standard of body that is impossible to achieve without it, then I haven't solved anything. I'll probably watch what I eat for maybe 2 weeks, if that. You know, until that crisis happens, and I turn to the pretzels for answers...or maybe some ice cream! :)

So the behavior, without modifying your thoughts is worthless. All the pills, diets, accountability partners, church activities, friends, blogs, facebook confessions will not solve anything unless you change the inner workings of your mind.

And that's how we go in circles, around and around without ever improving, without ever going anywhere. And pretty soon, you are CRAZY!

This morning at Titus 2 was a much needed wake-up call for me regarding submission and my marriage...and the selflessness that is supposed to accompany the union between Cliff and I that is meant to be the image of the 3-in-1 trinity.

Talk about being hit between the eyeballs!

Then to read Proverbs 12 (since today is the 12th)...well, let's just say, there is no escaping the Lord if He wants you to learn something!

1 To learn, you must love discipline;
it is stupid to hate correction.

**But the Lord doesn't promise that discipline/correction will come easy or be painless. In fact, our pride and selfishness probably makes the discipline much more worse. Instead, allow your hearts to be open to His words without a defensive response mechanism.

And in fact, allow your hubby to correct you without being defensive. Again, swallow that pride and be selfless...for the betterment of your union with your hubby. I stink at this! But if you do this once, he might think you're crazy...but after awhile, well, wouldn't this crazy be awesome if it was normal??

3 Wickedness never brings stability,
but the godly have deep roots.

**Rooted in the glory and truth of the Lord. Rooted in His words. Not in our thoughts, our emotions, our instincts. But in Him. And He is not crazy!

4 A worthy wife is a crown for her husband,
but a disgraceful woman is like cancer in his bones.

**Yikes! So, if I'm the cancer, maybe I need chemotherapy?? For I have not been worthy to Cliff in the past two weeks.

8 A sensible person wins admiration,
but a warped mind is despised.

**How many of us allow our thoughts to run our lives? We get caught up in what we perceive as reality and then those thoughts warp our actions, reactions, and interactions with others...and then we truly are despised.

9 Better to be an ordinary person with a servant
than to be self-important but have no food.

**In this verse, the self-importance chokes out the need for anything else. It actually chokes out your true purpose, and it can become so blinding that you do not do what is necessary just to survive. Hence the "no food" comment and how crazy to love yourself more than the sustenance that it takes to keep you alive!

How many of us do this with our hubbies? We see ourselves as too important to do the little things to make his life easier. I know I do! No wonder I drive him crazy!

15 Fools think their own way is right,
but the wise listen to others.

**Goes with v. 1...correction and discpline vs. self-important pride. This is how crazy people actually do get crazy. They belief their "truth" more than reality's truth...and then they're wandering around downtown LA talking their crazy with no one but themselves.

26 The godly give good advice to their friends;s
the wicked lead them astray

** This is you, girls! Good advice comes from those rooted along with you in the family of Christ and who are thinking and acting with a humble and caring Christ-like heart. And I am grateful for you and the role you play in my life!

How's that for an action packed day...and I haven't even picked Keegan up from school yet! CRAZY! But this time, maybe it's crazy GOOD.

Crazy good because I am loved by a God who created me perfect in His image, with a plan and purpose for my life, who will grow me and love me through this process of becoming more like Him.

How crazy amazing is that?

I hope you have a crazy afternoon too!

With love and appreciation for you-


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