Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Warrior Wives

So, obviously this applies to you immoral friends of mine! Hee! So so kidding!

But let's dive deep into why this passage happens to be plunked smack down it the middle of Proverbs with so much detail in it. And remember, nothing in the Bible is a mistake or happen-stance. It is God-breathed and therefore intentional and perfect in every way.

I think more and more in this society, there is a LACK of understanding of who this immoral "woman" is, because the lines of appropriate and inappropriate have failed to been drawn by either the pursued or the pursuer (in this case, the man is the pursued, and the immoral woman the pursuer).

Last month it was around the 5th that the Tiger Woods scandal broke. If that is not a perfect example of a man who allowed himself to be flattered, tempted, led,and acted upon the "greater than life" reputation that even HE believed, then I've got a gazillion of other examples of men who have fallen publicly. It is a tale that is too old to tell, but that will keep repeating until the world has ended and sin is no more.

As wives...and the guardians (as much as possible) of our hubby's heart, here's the thing. Men don't normally fall into temptation (or look for the temptation) if there is NO temptation standing before them or if they are not lacking in any way. Very rare (or almost impossible) is it that a person who is truly walking in His light, has NO access to darkness, and is being protected by those who love him, actually fall into sexual sin (unless they are sociopaths and lack a moral compass at all, which means if you thought they were walking in the light truthfully, well, they were probably just the greatest act ever!).

And you, my friends, are those warrior women out for blood when it comes to her hubby's heart and well-being.

So, who are the temptresses? These are the women that made the Tiger Woods story possible. Can you imagine if Tiger was looking for a hook-up, but all the girls said, "Eww, no! You're married!" Then we'd have no story. But they didn't.

They are the ones that do not have respect for marriage, for a commitment, and for a covenant that was made to the one you loved before a God who holds it together. They are the ones that will flatter, giggle, and hold your hubby's attention for a little longer than what is comfortable. And quite honestly, they are the ones that are lacking in a true spiritual connection with our Lord. For if they were walking with Him, they wouldn't need to be fulfilled by some man who was already spoken for.

So read this Proverb like you're a detective, looking for clues of the suspect. And then tuck those facts in the back of your mind, and love your man like crazy. For if you're not, then someone else is ready to.

Love you mamas! Off to wake-up my chillens for school. Here's to an amazing day!


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