Friday, January 22, 2010

The Foundation of Wisdom

Good Friday Morning Ladies!!

How excited are you that it's almost the weekend? Thrilled I can imagine! ;)

I kept my little chickadees home with me today, mostly for selfish reasons. And I was honestly just looking for a little quality time with the two of them before the chaos of the weekend ensues. I'm not one for homeschooling (I and/or my children would not survive the experience, quite literally), but I can definitely see the comfort in it.

Proverbs 22...

I actually prepped for v. 3,

3 A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions.
The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.

but I'm now liking v. 17-18 for today.

If you look at the section of the Proverb that we're beginning to read through (and that will last through Proverbs 24:22), it's summarizes "Thirty Sayings of the Wise." I have to laugh, because I feel as though we've had days and days of wise sayings...but if Solomon was to boil it all down, well, here you go.

As for the format, the points are divided into paragraphs, and the great thing about these, is he includes some explanation behind each to further drive home his point. I, for one, love explanation because it reinforces the concept for me. Let's just say, my head is a little harder than others' and I need to hear it time and time again before it actually sinks in!

He kicks off the 30 wise points with v. 17 and 18.

17 Listen to the words of the wise;
apply your heart to my instruction.
18 For it is good to keep these sayings in your heart
and always ready on your lips.

So, my friends, I love these two verses because this is the foundation of wisdom. This is how wisdom goes from words on a page to changing lives.

On a side note, I would love to have these two verses hanging above my kitchen doors, tattooed on my forehead (backwards, of course, so I could read it when I looked in the mirror), and in big bold letters on the cover of my Bible. Personally, I think these two verses should be the general intro to Proverbs (not that the Bible is fallible, because it's not being God-breathed and all!) because without these two verses, then reading Proverbs, or anything else in the Bible, will do nothing for you except become another task on your checklist and a waste of your time.

This sounds harsh, but you have to ask yourself "why" you are reading your Bible. Why are you reading Proverbs? Are you reading to feel like a better Christian, or are you reading to transform your life? Are you reading so you can hold it above your hubby's head that you're more dedicated than he, or are you reading to better YOUR character and YOUR faith with our God? Are you reading because you always have and to skip would be to abandon a routine that seems to "work" some days, or are you reading so that you can wash yourself in His Word and glorify Him in your actions daily?

These are hard truths to face. I know I've done devotions blindly and remained unchanged. But if your heart is invested, the Lord can do anything!

Step One: LISTEN

How many of us listen? Really listen, not just hear? For listening is not the same as hearing. It's like hearing your kids hear them, but you are not tuned in to be comprehending what they're saying. So you hear, "blah, blah, blah." But if you listened you might hear, "I don't like you. Get out." And then you can tend to the issues. But things left unlistened to, become the seeds that all problems grow out from.

Have you ever been in a conversation with your hubby and he's telling you things he wishes you would do...and you tune out? Or you start writing a grocery list in your head? Or you start noticing all the things wrong with the room you're sitting in? Me too!

Have you ever read your Bible and then "wake up" two chapters later because your mind has wandered all over the place? Sometimes it reminds me of being in college and dutifully but "uninvestedly" reading my text books. And the reason I would justify tuning out was "I will never use this in real life because it has nothing to do with me."

Nice. Nice and self-centered. Nice and ignorant. Nice and naive. For to treat the Bible in the same fashion is ultimately to blasphemy His Word. Ouch. I's Friday. I should probably go easy! But, over this weekend, I really want you to look at your intentions. What are your motives? For if they're not genuine FOR YOU, then this is all for naught.


"Be careful little ears what you hear....Be careful little ears what you hear...for the Father up above is looking down in love...Be careful little ears what you hear."

This is a song Makena sings in Awana and I love it. What are we listening to? Who are we listening to? Because what and who determines our outlook and understanding of life.

Are we listening to the Real Housewives of the O.C. where boobs, money, and bling equate happiness? Are we listening to Oprah and the Universe when it comes to finding peace? Are we listening to our non-Christian girlfriends when they say, "oh, no big deal; just leave him; you're better than him anyway?"

Who are we listening to???? And what are they saying????

And how do you know if what you hear is wise? You can always compare it to Scripture. If throughout the Bible, what you're being told is supported, then it is wise. If is is contradictory to is, then it is not. It is very plain and simple.


Apply...think of His instruction like facial cream for your heart. Lather it, smear it, layer it in a thick coat all over your heart. For your heart affects how you see reality and therefore how you interact with others. The goal is to see reality and your life as clearly as God sees it. For only then is wisdom possible.

You have to transform your heart, because if you only alter your behavior, it will only be temporary. It will only last for a week or two. Instead, you have to change the root of your being in order for the change to be lasting.

We are so on our way, girls! We may be wrestling with things in our own lives in individual circumstances that cause us to doubt, waver, and at times choose our own paths. But we are in pursuit of Him! And this will never go unnoticed by our heavenly Father!

For He is after us with a vengeance. He loves us, more than you love your little chickadees. He wants to protect us, more than we want to save our kiddos. And He has given His Son to cover our sins...the greatest gift ever. At times the goodness of God and His sacrifice for my life is completely incomprehensible to me! I stand in awe!

So, girls, sorry for this not being so light! I didn't even tackle v.18 for this was heavy!

I love so grateful for this journey we are on together...and stand in awe of His wisdom as we grow!

Have a great weekend!


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